Sebastian Cevallos


This is me!

Picture of me!

Hi there! I'm Sebastian, a Computer Science Major at Pomona College.

I was studying chemistry at Pomona, until I realized how much I love computer science! I decided to switch my major and will graduate with a B.A. in Computer Science, minoring in Chemistry and Math in May 2018.

As a Code2040 Fellow, I am passionate about bridging the gap in the tech industry for underepresented groups and hope to be a part of changing the demographic within.

In my spare time, I enjoy working on personal projects, volleyball, ping pong, and being at the beach. My resume is linked above. You can also find my contact information below.


Check out what I've been working on!

  • Project Picture


    JerryBot is a Facebook Messenger Chat Bot that my friend, Matt Gee, and I developed. Named after a mutual friend, JerryBot's original intention was to fetch the 5C dining hall menus, but he has grown into so much more. He's able to fetch the weather, translate text to different languages, compute how much you should tip, etc. I'm currently working on implementing a machine learning algorithm using word2vec that would allow JerryBot to suggest dining halls based on your food preferences.

    Links: GitHubMatt Gee JerryBot's Profile

  • Project Picture


    Planoma is an organizational tool that helps Pomona students and their advisors keep track of classes needed in order to graduate. Planoma decides which classes a student should take based on general requirements as well as current or prospective major. The title is a portmanteau of 'Pomona' and 'Planner.' Currently, Planoma only supports CS majors, but the hope is to scale to all majors offered at Pomona, and eventually, the Claremont Colleges.

    Links: GitHub Heroku Site

Contact Me

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